饰 杜唐
From ground zero against the VC to dodging tackles on the gridiron, this Halfback should have been a Hall-of-Famer. But a backstabbing team-owner forced him out of the league, sending Troy Dalton from the stadium to the streets. Now - alongside his lifelong pal, Travis Baker, Touchdown has a chance to run all his plays on one blood-soaked battlefield - Rockay City, baby! Whoo!
饰 纳萨拉
For the man only known as Nasara, the last month has been a blur - literally. Waking up on a beach with a knife in his back, and no memory of how he got there, would meaning 'Victory' - for a reason. And with the right backing, he'll see to it that all those responsible for his tribulations - are driven before him and crushed…
饰 美元龙
Eduardo Reyes has the scars to prove that serving as right-hand to the Crime King of Rockay - ain't easy. Years of perfect service put him in the beautiful position to enjoy life after 'the life' - one of few to secure a peaceful exit. But a world-shattering event pulls Dollar Dragon back down to the underbelly of Rockay - and this time around, he plans on taking the throne for himself - or breathing-fire and torching the whole damn castle trying…
饰 特拉维斯·贝克
A badass charmer from the wrong side of the tracks, this cowboy galloped into town - slangin' party-pills into the rave scene. Then BOOM! - the reigning Crime Boss gets blown to bits - now here comes Baker's shot to switch his nickname from Candyman to The King. Teaming up with 4 of the underworld's finest - while hiring a crime-army to grab turf and pull jobs, Baker plans on taking Rockay City by STORM.
饰 凯西
A real-deal woman, super connected and whip-smart. A mover and shaker in every sense. She knows all the heavy-weights in town worth knowing, and that makes playing with Casey a high-value proposition. Mysterious about her past, but she'll get you in where it counts.
饰 警长
A legendary ass-kicking lawman who rides the dusty trail, beating back crime wherever it festers. Armed with his own brand of wisdom and justice - Sheriff Colt Norris is a deadeye when he gets you in his sights. You might say Sheriff Norris is on a mission from God. But you'd be wrong - because God is probably on a mission from Sheriff Norris.
饰 希洛
Henry Hubbard is a hustler, from slinging actual ice in the scorching hills of his hometown - to pushing pills into the grills of the hottest party goers around. The way Hielo hustles and parties will school you - but don't let his joyful 'tude fool you. The way he sees life; the past is history, the future's a mystery, and the present - is a gift.
饰 格拉斯
R.W. Stewart always had a rough relationship with the law. Trying to fix it from the inside, he became an cop. But shooting-straight can make you bent, and after some tough years - he was charged with a crime he didn't commit. Dismissed and disgraced, Gloves ditched his pursuit of peace, and now uses his connections and inside-info to assist those who walk the shady side of Rockay. When you put Gloves on - your hands stay clean.
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