Message from the editor.
Welcome to the latest edition of RockON Magazine. Your monthly dose of information and nonsense all in the same webpage. People thought it wasn’t possible but we went out to prove them all wrong!
For those of you who are new readers, RockON Magazine is Rockay City’s number one, two and three top magazine – all about Rockay City.
Our writers are specially trained in various styles of journalism – from TV and film, radio, the written word (which you will mostly find here) and also interpretive swimming. Yeah, all the top journos are big into that one.
Anyway, you are in for a treat in this months magazine!
The latest 2.0 update from Crime Boss: Rockay City arrived. If you haven’t already updated, make sure you do! And also what’s this? Free Tactical Weapons Pack DLC? Hold your horses, there’s a new gun in town! Or four…
Let’s get ready to RockON, Rockay!
Gordy Loardy,
Editor in Chief, RockON Magazine

Set Your Sights on These!
Hello, I’m Fran Anne McGann
The new Tactical Weapon Pack has caused quite the stir among the community of crime bosses – as it is currently being given out FREE for a limited time.
The four pack of weapons include the Bohema, a cheeky little number, a personal favourite of mine and slips into my purse with ease. It is an automatic pistol, easy to sneak into any bank
The semi-automatic rifle Slate 36, now this one is perfect if you have BIG BIG goals and want to make it like that Travis Baker fellow, so yeah, if you want to take over Rockay City, this is for you!
The Fiver Tactical is quite a fabulous looking handgun. You can’t go wrong with this weapon in your arsenal.
If you are looking to settle a dispute, or get a free meal from chicken barbeque, become besties with the Urban Sweeper. This shotgun will easily sort out your more difficult predicaments.

RockON and Roll?
Hey there, I’m Axel Rod Pseudonym. I have been working on a new song and would like to try out the lyrics on you. Feedback is essential, so no holding back. If this goes well, I will record this and bring my rock music career back from the dead – where it has laid slain for almost half a decade.. rotting, festering, erm… bubbling, waiting to relive once more.
Anywhoooo, please read my words. I name this piece – We Will Defend. (sounds emo and pretentious enough I thought).
Verse One
In the city of Rockay, the streets ignite,
A blaze of passion, neon lights so bright.
The rhythm of the people, hearts pounding strong.
In this electric jungle where dreams belong
Rockay City, we’ll soar high,
Like a bullet fired across the sky.
A life force that never ends,
In Rockay City we will defend.
Verse Two
Through back alleys and bustling crowds,
The sound of fighting, is ever loud.
Every district, a story to tell,
It’s the way of life, where criminals dwell.
Chorus, guitar solo, then verse 3 etc etc… you get the point, but that’s my starting point. I will carry this on and then record it if people think it’s good enough. But I guess it’s up to you all.
Thanks in advance for your feedback. -Alex

The News with Rory McGory
Update 2.0 is live! Here are some of the main features in the 2.0 update.
- Police intensity in missions redesign (HEAT)
Dropped weapons can be picked up in FPS missions
Improved aim assist for controllers
The overall difficulty of the Baker’s Battle has been reduced.
Количество сумок с добычей в задачах теперь зависит от уровня сложности и от количества игроков..
Персонажи в режиме «Время преступлений» теперь получают опыт во время выполнения задач. Рано или поздно их можно будет развить. Развитие позволит получить лучшие характеристики и особенности.
Добавлен новый тип задач события: «Минирование». Выполнив задачу, игрок нейтрализует территорию врага.
В игре появилась новая потрясающая обстановка — гараж.
There is much much more that has gone into the update. For the full list of patch notes, please visit our support page HERE!
Вас ждет еще множество новых потрясающих обновлений! ЗДЕСЬ вы найдете статью об обновлениях, из которой можно узнать, как дальше будет развиваться Рокай!
Watch all of your favourite RCTV shows over on our TikTok channel: CrimeBossGame.
Watch interviews with the stars, gameplay footage, real life at the Rockay City Police Department (rated 1 star on ClipAdvisor) and much much more!
Want to know more about Crime Boss: Rockay City? Follow our social channels!
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PODCAST: Rockay City Talk Radio