《法外梟雄: 滾石城》(Epic Games Store、PlayStation 5 和 Xbox Series X|S)
Epic Game Store:
PlayStation 5: 1.006.000
Xbox Series X|S:
Here we are with yet another update! As we keep on saying – Rockay City is the city that never sleeps! And we plan to continue this for the future.
There’s a lot that went into update 4.0, but we have just listed a few of the most notable and requested from the community.
4.0 更新版本包含以下精彩內容!
- 新增戰術標記:可快速地連續使用標記兩次,以指揮電腦完成攻擊和掠奪的特定任務。
- 多人遊戲大廳中的就緒狀態:這項功能的重要性已大幅提升,請各位玩家務必記得確認。
- 回購武器:《法外梟雄》現已開放這項功能。若玩家在任務中損失了武器,就能到黑市把武器買回來。
- 輔助瞄準:現在可透過選項選單設定這項功能。
Patch Notes
- All enemies in turf war have red markers over their heads instead of different colors per gang.
- Additionally, the status bar in turf war is red color for all enemy gangs instead of different colors for enemy gangs.
- Aim Assist adjusted for special enemies.
- Enemy boss elimination reward added.
- Stealth combat tweaks to provide an option to intimidate enemies and sneak through missions without raising alarm.
- Selected features are highlighted on a new screen after game updates.
- New animation for stealth takedown.
- Stealth takedown works correctly now in multiplayer for all players.
- Players no longer have issues breaking objects with fists.
- Bug fixed when players occasionally experience bug where territories yield negative income.
- Subtitles staying on screen after dialogue fixed.
- Promotion for Baker and Touchdown not free anymore as it intended.
- Invisible collision in ‘Meet the Captain’ removed.
- Input device in voice chat can be changed now.
- Getting back from Alt-tabbed game no longer muffles the in-game sound.
- Fire extinguisher no longer disappears after picking it up while holding two bags with loot.
- Shuffle debrief screen shown correctly for all clients.
- Players no longer able to push vehicles on the map.
- Highway convoy – clients had occasional issues with attaching loot bag to escape rope.
- Elevator in Hidden Vault doesn’t trigger countdown anymore to move to the roof when on roof.
- Player can shoot over the railing at the pier in Import Export.
- Debrief screen doesn’t trigger again after joining new game.