Message from the editor.

Welcome to the latest edition of RockON Magazine. Your monthly dose of information and nonsense all in the same webpage. People thought it wasn’t possible but we went out to prove them all wrong!

For those of you who are new readers, RockON Magazine is Rockay City’s number one, two and three top magazine – all about Rockay City.

Our writers are specially trained in various styles of journalism – from TV and film, radio, the written word (which you will mostly find here) and also interpretive swimming. Yeah, all the top journos are big into that one.

Anyway, you are in for a treat in this months magazine!

The latest 2.0 update from Crime Boss: Rockay City arrived. If you haven’t already updated, make sure you do! And also what’s this? Free Tactical Weapons Pack DLC? Hold your horses, there’s a new gun in town! Or four…

Let’s get ready to RockON, Rockay!

Gordy Loardy,

Editor in Chief, RockON Magazine

Set Your Sights on These!

Hello, I’m Fran Anne McGann

The new Tactical Weapon Pack has caused quite the stir among the community of crime bosses – as it is currently being given out FREE for a limited time.

The four pack of weapons include the Bohema, a cheeky little number, a personal favourite of mine and slips into my purse with ease. It is an automatic pistol, easy to sneak into any bank

The semi-automatic rifle Slate 36, now this one is perfect if you have BIG BIG goals and want to make it like that Travis Baker fellow, so yeah, if you want to take over Rockay City, this is for you!

The Fiver Tactical is quite a fabulous looking handgun. You can’t go wrong with this weapon in your arsenal.

If you are looking to settle a dispute, or get a free meal from chicken barbeque, become besties with the Urban Sweeper. This  shotgun will easily sort out your more difficult predicaments.

RockON and Roll?

Hey there, I’m Axel Rod Pseudonym. I have been working on a new song and would like to try out the lyrics on you. Feedback is essential, so no holding back. If this goes well, I will record this and bring my rock music career back from the dead – where it has laid slain for almost half a decade.. rotting, festering, erm… bubbling, waiting to relive once more.

Anywhoooo, please read my words.  I name this piece – We Will Defend. (sounds emo and pretentious enough I thought).

Verse One

In the city of Rockay, the streets ignite,

A blaze of passion, neon lights so bright.

The rhythm of the people, hearts pounding strong.

In this electric jungle where dreams belong


Rockay City, we’ll soar high,

Like a bullet fired across the sky.

A life force that never ends,

In Rockay City we will defend.

Verse Two

Through back alleys and bustling crowds,

The sound of fighting, is ever loud.

Every district, a story to tell,

It’s the way of life, where criminals dwell.

Chorus, guitar solo, then verse 3 etc etc… you get the point, but that’s my starting point. I will carry this on and then record it if people think it’s good enough. But I guess it’s up to you all.

Thanks in advance for your feedback. -Alex

The News with Rory McGory

Update 2.0 is live! Here are some of the main features in the 2.0 update.

  • Police intensity in missions redesign (HEAT)
  • Dropped weapons can be picked up in FPS missions
  • Improved aim assist for controllers
  • The overall difficulty of the Baker’s Battle has been reduced.
  • 任務中戰利品的數量現在會隨著難度和參與的玩家數量而變化。.
  • 「即時任務」中的角色現在被派往任務時將獲得經驗,最後會獲得升級的資格。晉級能讓他們獲得更高的狀態數值和新特點。
  • 新增名為「放置炸彈」的事件生成任務類型。玩家完成此任務後,就能破壞敵人的地盤。
  • 遊戲中添加了讓人興奮的車庫環境。

There is much much more that has gone into the update. For the full list of patch notes, please visit our support page HERE!

還有更多新內容會持續推出!你可以在我們的更新文章中搶先看看滾石城的未來計劃, 快來這裡看看!

Watch all of your favourite RCTV shows over on our TikTok channel: CrimeBossGame.

Watch interviews with the stars, gameplay footage, real life at the Rockay City Police Department (rated 1 star on ClipAdvisor) and much much more!

Want to know more about Crime Boss: Rockay City? Follow our social channels!

TIKTOK: CrimeBossGame

TWITTER: CrimeBossGame

REDDIT: CrimeBossGame

DISCORD: CrimeBoss

PODCAST: Rockay City Talk Radio


滾石城的良好市民,我們要給一群出色的「法外梟雄」,限時免費送出我們的第一款付費武器包。 first paid Tactical Weapon Pack for FREE for a LIMITED TIME.


  • Slate 36: 半自動步槍,能奪下滾石城的最佳武器。
  • Fiver Tactical: 一把只配得上犯罪菁英,像藝術品般的手槍。
  • Bohema: An automatic pistol, easy to sneak into any bank
  • Urban Sweeper: 一把可以輕鬆解決街頭糾紛的霰彈槍,誰擁有它,誰就是老大。


Remember it’s only free for a limited time – so get going boss!

Thanks again for being the boss, buddies – enjoy the pew pews!






  • 重新設計任務中的警力 (熱度) - 現在起,在戰役模式中警方的熱度將根據玩家在任務中的行為而變動。例如,侵略性的玩法會引起執法部門的強烈反應。


  • 「即時任務」中的尊敬度狀態表 - 尊敬度狀態表將隨著任務成功而上升,隨著任務失敗而减少。尊敬度將影響可進行的任務、可使用的武器、普通角色等級、任務獎勵和熱度。當尊敬度到達「交遊廣闊」等級(共6個等級中的第2級)時,像是金錢列車、引進出口品、隱藏金庫或龍狗等大型任務將會成為常規任務出現在地圖上,而不只是契约。熱度也建立在尊敬度上。尊敬度越高,熱度也就越高,所以在遊戲為玩家提供了更多的任務和機會同時,這些任務也將變得更難完成。


  • FPS任務中掉落的武器可以撿起 - 現在起,你的隊友在你完成任務後仍會保留他們原來的武器。任何從地面上撿來的武器傷害都會減少。


  • 改善控制器的輔助瞄準 - 現在起,準星在接近目標時,靈敏度將會降低,輔助瞄準也會協助追蹤目標。


  • The overall difficulty of the Baker’s Battle has been reduced.


  • 任務中戰利品的數量現在會隨著難度和參與的玩家數量而變化。.


  • 「即時任務」中的角色現在被派往任務時將獲得經驗,最後會獲得升級的資格。晉級能讓他們獲得更高的狀態數值和新特點。


  • 新增名為「放置炸彈」的事件生成任務類型。玩家完成此任務後,就能破壞敵人的地盤。


  • 遊戲中添加了讓人興奮的車庫環境。


當然,更新還帶來更多內容, 想了解詳細的更新公告, 請從此處前往我們的支援頁面!

還有更多新內容會持續推出!你可以在我們的更新文章中搶先看看滾石城的未來計劃, 快來這裡看看!

Keep on Rockin’ Rockay!

來自INGAME STUDIOS的《法外梟雄:滾石城》更新

來自INGAME STUDIOS的《法外梟雄:滾石城》更新

The team at INGAME STUDIOS would like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who has joined Rockay City’s underground organized crime ring in an attempt to becoming the new Crime Boss! Some of you have made it already, some of you need more practice!


We’ve seen a lot of amazing videos including intense turf wars and nail-biting bank robberies, but we’ve also seen your comments and feedback. Rest assured, the team is watching and listening!


  • Baker’s Battle: 在單人劇情中扮演巴克(麥可·麥德森飾演),一步步築起自己的帝國。
  • 即時任務(快速遊玩): 想要踹門砸店、抓了就走的最佳選擇。充滿火熱動作、大場面,還有熱錢(單人與合作)。
  • 都市傳說: 用最強角色與武器體驗高風險高報酬的任務(單人與合作)。

Let’s get into the detail and check out what the team is working on right now:

  • 改善AI:你的AI隊友會更加積極幫助你(例如搜刮貨車時),並新增智慧標記功能,讓你將對他們的操控更靈活。
  • 控制器瞄準輔助。
  • 武器庫升級:可以賣出或升級武器。
  • Balanced difficulty in Baker’s Battle.
  • 改善戰役中角色任務的持續性:角色任務的進度將會被儲存下來。你將會從上一次進度中結束的點開始。
  • Introducing Difficulty options for Baker’s Battle.
  • 加入為隊友升級的選項。
  • 在「即時任務」模式(快速遊玩)中加入尊敬度等級
    • 罪惡時間中的尊敬度等級會隨著任務成功而增加,隨失敗而減少。
    • 尊敬度會影響罪惡時間模式下可參加的任務、可使用的武器和普通角色等級、任務獎勵和熱度(任務中的警力)。
    • When reaching the Respect Level “Connected” (the second of six levels), big missions, such as Money Train, Import Export, The Hidden Vault, Dragon Dogs can appear on the map as regular missions, instead of being available solely as contracts.
    • 在「即時任務」模式中,熱度會隨尊敬度變化。尊敬度越高,熱度也就越高。所以在遊戲提供更多機會的同時,這些任務也變得更難完成。尊敬度越低,熱度也就越低。
  • Invite your friends to big missions in Baker’s Battle: Get help from your friends in your single player campaign by inviting them to the challenging big heists!
  • 更多不同任務。
  • 改善玩家進度:
    • Improving player progression in Baker’s Battle.
    • 「即時任務」模式將有嶄新的玩家進度功能。
    • 解鎖道具。
    • And more…
  • 都市傳說增加隨機連鎖。
  • 專屬隊友在戰役中的持續性:專屬隊友在多個戰役中能保留晉級的狀態。
  • 使用者體驗、介面改善,包含改善遊戲體驗。
  • 多種不同最終地盤戰。
  • 你將能撿起敵人或朋友掉落的武器。


The next free update for Crime Boss: Rockay City is just around the corner. Right now, we can’t give you a firm date of what is coming and when, but we’ll keep you updated! In the meantime, let us give you a sneak peek of how the Respect Level will look in the Crime Time mode as well as a glimpse of one of the new environments.

An in development image from the game, Crime Boss: Rockay City. The image shows the inside look of a police station With a cluttered desk, filing cabinets and a cork board

An in development image of the game, Crime Boss: Rockay City. The image shows a map, with a number of icons. On the right side of the image, the words, "Money Train" appears with an image of a subway.


That’s enough from us for now. Time to take over some turf!

FAQ Guide (PS5 and Xbox Series X|S)

Welcome console players of Rockay City!

Here is a helpful FAQ guide to get you around Crime Boss: Rockay City. We will keep this guide up to date with the latest info as and when we receive commonly asked questions.

General Information

Which platforms is Crime Boss: Rockay City available?

Crime Boss: Rockay City is out now digitally on Epic Games Store, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. It will launch on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S on September 5th for the physical edition.

Will there be Xbox Clubs and a PlayStation Hub for the community to join?

Yes there will be dedicated official community spaces for Xbox and PlayStation.

Do you have any plans for DLC post launch?

Our new Rockay’s Roadmap shows the future of Crime Boss: Rockay City and all of the exciting features that await the community.

Technical Questions – PlayStation 5

Where is the PlayStation Store page for Crime Boss: Rockay City?

You can find the store page here:

How much HDD space is required to install and run Crime Boss: Rockay City?


What resolutions and FPS will Crime Boss: Rockay City run at on PS5?

30 FPS in Quality Mode. 60 FPS in Performance Mode. 2160p (4K) HDR.

Is PS Plus required to play online?

Yes, you will need PS Plus.

Is there an Official PS Game Hub I can join?

Yes, there is an Official Hub you can join.

Does Crime Boss: Rockay City require an internet connection to play?

All game modes are playable offline, but you require an internet connection to play co-op with friends.

Does Crime Boss: Rockay City take advantage of Sony’s haptic controls / feedback?

Yes there is haptic controls / feedback.

Does Crime Boss: Rockay City take advantage of Sony’s activity cards on PS5?

Yes, there are activity cards.

Does Crime Boss: Rockay City have an unlockable Platinum trophy?

Yes, there is unlockable Platinum trophy.

Technical Questions – Xbox Series X|S

Where is the Xbox Store page for Crime Boss: Rockay City?

You can find the store page here:

How much HDD space is required to install and run Crime Boss: Rockay City?

Xbox Series X: 69.7GB

Xbox Series S: 69.8GB

What resolutions and FPS will Crime Boss: Rockay City run at on Xbox Series X?

30 FPS in Quality Mode. 60 FPS in Performance Mode. 2160p (4K) HDR.

What resolutions and FPS will Crime Boss: Rockay City run at on Xbox Series S?

30 FPS, 1440p

Is there an Official Xbox Club I can join?

Yes, there is an Official Xbox Club you can join.

Does Crime Boss: Rockay City have any unlockable achievements?

Yes, there are unlockable achievements.

Technical Questions – General

Where can I get technical support for Crime Boss: Rockay City?

Please visit our linktree for all available support options: crimebossgame | Twitter, TikTok | Linktree

Which languages does Crime Boss: Rockay City support?

English (including audio), French, Italian, German, Spanish – Spain, Portuguese – Brazil, Chinese – Simplified, Chinese – Traditional, Japanese, Korean, Russian

Will the console edition of Crime Boss: Rockay City have High Dynamic Range (HDR) support?

No, it will not have High Dynamic Range (HDR) support.

Does Crime Boss: Rockay City have Ray Tracing support?

No, Crime Boss: Rockay City does not have Ray Tracing support.

Does Crime Boss: Rockay City support local multiplayer?

No, Crime Boss: Rockay City does not support local multiplayer?

Does Crime Boss: Rockay City support online multiplayer?

Yes. It supports 4 player co-op.


Check it out now, you console brothers! Right about now, you console brothers!

Get Crime Boss: Rockay City On PS5 and Xbox Series X|S, RIGHT ABOUT NOW and party like it’s the 1990s!

You can get the game by following the links below!

PS5: 🌴


If you are new to RockON Magazine, you will be glad to hear that we are a group of seasoned professional journalists who really do take the time to research our articles and put out the best face of Rockay City forward.

For those of you who have already read the magazine, you will know that what we just said, is a load of rubbish.

As console players, you will be new to Rockay City, so here is our quick tour around the amazing City of Rockay!

Sheriff Norris has come to town!

Rockay City has recently acquired a new Sheriff, Sheriff Norris!

A former Marine and modern-day ranger, Sheriff Norris won’t stand for crime and has promised to crush everyone who crosses the law!

Welcome to Rockay City Sheriff! Please concentrate on eating donuts (and you lot out there better hope he avoids your illegal activities). Because the donuts he eats are made of steel, and he wants to take a bite out of crime.

RockON Magazines Top 5 Rockay Destinations

Nautilus Keys – The luxurious suburban Nautilus Keys is full of posh condos – full of fancy expensive furniture and designer clothing. These are the kind of places no one from the RockON team could possibly afford. But we can afford telescopes.

Rockay Port – Rockay port is often called the “Cargo Gateway of the Americas“. We at RockON Magazine don’t know what that means, but we suspect it has something to do with cargo pants. It’s also the busiest cruise port in the world in both passenger traffic and cruise lines. Time for that vaycay!

Swamp Road – Swamp Road was the first part of land to be reclaimed from the Everglades over a century ago. It now consists of industrial sites, shopping carts and unsavoury characters – like our editor in chief.

City Beach – Surfing, ice creams, sandy beaches, empty soda cups blowing in the breeze. It’s not the most glamourous of places, but you won’t find many tourists here – mainly due to the constant turf wars, so the beaches are always empty – happy days!

City Center – The center of Rockay City has an impressive waterfront with walkable sections. The city’s memorable skyline of towers offers wonderful views of the islands, the gulf, and your uncle Dave failing at white swimming trunks in his back yard.

When our reporters have very little to do, we often must find things for them to do. This is one of those times. We sent our Miscellaneous Topics Reporter, Karl McGnal to DownTown to mingle with the locals and hopefully come back alive and write us a report on why neon signs… are a thing!

A Sign Of Things To Come?

Star sign, neon signs, what do they mean? Some would say they mean absolutely nothing – but we at RockON magazine think they mean something, and want to make a loosely threaded story out of it. So, we sent our Miscellaneous Topics Reporter (who is from the UK) out onto the streets of Downtown Rockay to see what information he could acquire from the residents. 

Report by Karl McGnal

Alright, so neon lights, yeah? They are like the opposite of natural, aren’t they… I mean, you don’t see neon lights in the jungle. But they are a bit like artificial stars. But here’s the thing – I don’t think neon lights are as impressive as stars. I mean they are all bright and all, but they are just tubes filled with gas that have been electrified. Plus, they’re always advertising something. It’s all, buy this, eat that, come and watch this. It’s like they are shouting at your eyes. I guess that’s the point. I guess that’s the point of why I’m here asking people what neon signs they like. I forgot that’s why I was doing this you know.

Clive McHive is a Pisces and says he likes a Cactus neon sign… this doesn’t tell me anything. One of these like the water, the other one doesn’t like water. I killed a cactus once when I over watered it. It wasn’t even mine. I was housesitting for a neighbour. They have since moved from the area.

Rory McGory told me he has a neon coffee sign… because he used to own a coffee shop – and then he said he was an Aquarius. At least that makes a bit of sense. Aquarius sounds like a fancy brand of mineral water to me, and they only sell expensive water in coffee shops.

A word from our sponsor.


Watch all of your favourite RCTV shows over on our TikTok channel: CrimeBossGame.

Watch interviews with the stars, gameplay footage, real life at the Rockay City Police Department (rated 1 star on ClipAdvisor) and much much more!

Want to know more about Crime Boss: Rockay City? Follow our social channels!

TIKTOK: CrimeBossGame

TWITTER: CrimeBossGame

REDDIT: CrimeBossGame

DISCORD: CrimeBoss

PODCAST: Rockay City Talk Radio

TWITTER: RockayCityPoliceDepartment

TWITTER: RockayCityTourism

RockON Magazines Top Places to Eat Out in Rockay!

Tom’s Pizza – If you deviate from the menu that’s when things start to go wrong. Our features editor once asked for anchovies – that was a year ago and they still have an indentation on their forehead shaped like a block of cheese. So as long as you like Margarita, Margarita with extra cheese and Margarita with no base – it’s just a box of melted cheese, then you should be fine. 

Chicken Barbeque – The RockON team have yet to have food poisoning here, so that’s a good sign – It’s also why it made the list! As for the food itself, it’s chicken. It’s just like how your mother (a mother who you really hate) used to make food – greasy, crunchy and unidentifiable. 

That Taco Place Around The Corner – We did not get diarrhoea. 11 thumbs up!

In the next issue of RockON Magazine!

MODES MODES MODES! Nasara Uncovered! …and much much more!



Now PS5 and Xbox Series X|S players can take on the might of Rockay City – a thriving metropolis, full of excitement and sunshine. From the buzzing sandy bay to the towering skyscrapers, dreams are made in Rockay City.

But beyond the neon lights and the glamour, there is a fierce turf war raging on…

PS5: 🌴


After the demise of the previous crime boss, there’s an open vacancy for a new King of Rockay City – but it isn’t just you who is fighting for the throne. Choose your crew based on their skills and expertise, and execute daring missions with the hopes of walking away with the cash, the turf and, ultimately, the crown.

Rockay is full of wild and mysterious characters – From the charismatic Travis Baker (Michael Madsen) and his team of planners and handlers (Michael Rooker, Kim Basinger, Danny Glover and Damion Poitier), to rival gang bosses (Danny Trejo and Vanilla Ice) and the righteous Sheriff Norris (Chuck Norris): it’s not what you know, but who you know.

We cannot wait to welcome all of the new players into Rockay city and our Crime Boss family! If you haven’t already, why not say hello in the official Crime Boss Discord HERE. Meet bosses from all across the globe with one thing in common – trying to take the Rockay City thrown! If you need people to play multiplayer with, this is also the place to be! Also our very own Damion Poitier who plays Nasara, will often make a special appearances in Discord for Q&As, livestreams and events.

TIKTOK: CrimeBossGame

TWITTER: CrimeBossGame 

REDDIT: CrimeBossGame 

DISCORD: CrimeBoss

TWITTER: RockayCityPoliceDepartment

TWITTER: RockayCityTourism

Have thoughts on the Crime Boss: Rockay City? Please let us know over on our dedicated Feedback Site. 

So, on behalf of everyone at the Rockay City Tourist Board, welcome to Rockay City!  


This issue of RockON Magazine is sponsored by Summer Drops – the refreshing fruit beverage, made from -5% real fruit juice. Remember, when summer drops, drink Summer Drops!

Welcome back citizens of Rockay!

Wow isn’t this wild! We have just announced that Crime Boss: Rockay City – the game about the amazing place that we live in – is being released on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S on digital format on June 15th and on physical format on September 5th.

Everyone at RockON Magazine are excited to welcome new readers to the RockON family!

Not only will you get to read some of the finest articles no money can buy – because it’s a free magazine, but also you will get some truly magnificent journalism from people who nobody has heard of, but knows a ton about Rockay City.

We also have a vast array of guest contributors – our friends in the Crime Boss Reddit and Discord and our truly awful blog writers, Karl and Fran Ann.

It wouldn’t be a free magazine, without an oversized word search to fill up the pages. You can tell when no cats are stuck up trees, when one of the magazine’s main features is a massive square with semi-randomized letters.



When the Rockay weather is doing that rain thing and our reporters have to stay inside where we can unfortunately see them – we need to find simple tasks for them to do. We gave Karl McGnal the task of writing about why the gaming world ADORES, Crime Boss: Rockay City.

Report by Karl McGnal

Yeah Crime Boss, it’s alright! You know, I was watching this documentary the other day about elephants. They are amazing animals, aren’t they? They can live for 70 years, they can remember things for a long time.

But there was one thing that bothered me about them. They are huge. They weigh up to six tons and they can grow up to four meters tall. They need a lot of space and food and water to survive. And they produce a lot of dung. Imagine having one of them in your house. It would be a nightmare.

That’s why I don’t understand this expression that people use sometimes: “the elephant in the room”. They say it when there is something obvious that everyone knows but no one wants to talk about. Like if someone has a big nose or a bad haircut or you like something other people said was bad.

They say “let’s address the elephant in the room” and then they bring up the topic. But why do they use an elephant for that? It doesn’t make any sense. If there was an actual elephant in the room, everyone would notice it and talk about it. It would be impossible to ignore.

You would have to deal with it right away. You would have to call the animal control or the zoo or something. You wouldn’t just pretend it wasn’t there.

I think they should use a different animal for that expression. Something smaller and quieter and less noticeable. Then it would make more sense. You could say “let’s address the worm in the room”. And then you could talk about the thing that you don’t want to talk about.

Wait… what was I writing about again?


A Bag of Tricks – When grabbing loot, don’t collect a bag and move it, one or two at a time. Instead just keep on collecting and throw bags on the floor. Call team to you if needed. AI will pick up the bags and bring it to van. After you have cleaned out the location (or it’s getting too hot for comfort) grab the last bag or two and go to the van. (NLxAROSA)

Neighbourhood Watch – You can take over multiple turfs with a single attack; separate a neighbourhood from the rest of the gang’s territory. (rtkz)

Fool Me Once – Guards can be intimidated. Gang members and police can not and must be killed or avoided. This may be obvious to some but it took me awhile to realize. (HammondsAmmonds)

Thank you once again to those in our Discord and on our Reddit who contributed to the article! You are ALWAYS in our warm hearts!

Our warm hearts are sponsored by Summer Drops, the official sponsor of summer and warmth.

A word from ANOTHER sponsor.

Want to know more about Crime Boss: Rockay City? Follow our social channels!

TIKTOK: CrimeBossGame

TWITTER: CrimeBossGame

TWITTER: RockayCityPoliceDepartment

TWITTER: RockayCityTourism

REDDIT: CrimeBossGame

DISCORD: CrimeBoss

Coming June 15th to Xbox Series X|S and PS5!

PLUS – The Roadmap You’ve All Been Waiting For!

Citizens of Rockay!

The digital version of Crime Boss: Rockay City will be available on June 15th on Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5! The physical version will be coming on September 5th.

Wishlist on PS5 HERE and on XBOX HERE

Our Roadmap to Rockay!

Below is Season 1 of Rockay’s Roadmap. This roadmap shows what we have coming up in the next few months and into next year – since our release on the Epic Games Store.

We hope this glimpse into the future of Crime Boss: Rockay City will keep you enticed as well as excited for what’s to come.

The roadmap shows what can be expected – up to Q2 of 2024 and consists of a vast array of free updates, paid DLCs and expansion packs. This is Season 1 of Rockay’s Roadmap – so you can expect to see much more from Crime Boss: Rockay City in the future.

《法外梟雄:滾石城》更新檔說明 (Epic Games Store)





We converted the game’s data into a new format allowing us to load things faster! (Up to 2x faster)




-New environments (3) added to the “Robbery” mission type.

-New environments (3) added to the “Robbery” mission type.



-DLSS 更新至 3.1.0a 版。

-XeSS 更新至 1.2.6 版。


-New boss office level – Between level 1 and level 2. Cheaper than level 2 but already changing visuals.





-“Soldiers hired” notification removed.




-Weapons of more favourable rarity are available to players sooner in the “Crime Time” shop due to a balance update.

-Teammates with more favourable rarity can be hired in “Crime Time” sooner due to a balance update.






-已修正:返回大廳後的 FPS 下降。

-Fixed: Add 10 soldiers to the player’s army before the first turf war to ensure it can always start.


-Fixed: “Attack Territory Success” text was displayed twice.

-已修正:奎克 T 恤卡住的小問題。



-已修正:被束線帶綑綁的 AI 會在客戶端關門。



-Fixed: Van escape sequence now hides the player’s wieldables.



-Fixed: Nasara’s bonus computed properly for Army.



-Fixed: “Kill all” bonus objective functionality.





-已修正:C4 現在會觸發警報。





(更新檔大小:74.85 GB)