Hello, Bosses! In this blog, you’ll find a list of questions from the community and answers from the developers from our latest Q&A stream, hosted on Thursday, March 20, 2025. This followed the launch of Update 14 on March 11, 2025. As future updates roll out, some answers may change, but we always follow updates with a new Q&A to ensure players have the latest information on Crime Boss: Rockay City.
Additionally, we’ve included some extra answered questions that we couldn’t cover during the live stream, as they were received just before or during the broadcast.
If you’d like to watch the stream, you can find it on Twitch or YouTube.
Thank you for watching, reading, and most importantly, playing Crime Boss: Rockay City!
Bugs, Problems & Tech
QUESTION: Will there be an upcoming hotfix to address issues like the Ranger mission door bug?
ANSWER: The just released 14.1 patch has fixed this problem. Thank you for your patience.
NOTE: If you want to see the full list of fixes in the 14.1 patch you can see them HERE.
QUESTION: Is there an option to switch off crossplay?
ANSWER: Yes, in the options menu under ‘Game’ settings. Scroll to the bottom to enable or disable crossplay. While we encourage using this feature for a broader player base in co-op mode, you can disable it if you prefer.
QUESTION: Is it just me, or is the ping really high for this game?
ANSWER: Since multiplayer is peer-to-peer, ping quality depends on the host’s internet upload speed. Many home connections have solid downloads but insufficient uploads, leading to higher ping. To improve your experience:
- Use the session browser to find a server with better ping.
- Host the game yourself.
We continue working on reducing network traffic with each update, though it’s a long process.
QUESTION: I played through the new Rumble map. Has anyone else had issues with randomly not being able to ADS or shoot?
ANSWER: This issue is not common. If you’re experiencing it, please ensure you’re not using third-party software like aimbots or autoclickers, as we’ve seen such software cause problems before.
QUESTION: My friend experiences a freezing bug after loading into a map. Any fix for this?
ANSWER: This is likely network-related and should be reported to customer support. To help diagnose the issue, please provide:
- Whether this happens consistently.
- If the issue occurs when your friend hosts instead.
- The player’s ping and other network details.
- Whether verifying game data has been attempted.
You can submit a ticket for customer support HERE.
QUESTION: Any chance of getting XeSS 2 support soon? The SDK was just released, and the game has an Intel Arc logo at startup.
ANSWER: We are reviewing it but haven’t made a final decision yet.
QUESTION: Is cross-progression coming to the game? I’d love to continue playing on PC after hitting platinum on PS5.
ANSWER: Cross-progression is not planned.
QUESTION: Are there any PS5 Pro enhancements?
ANSWER: We can make some small adjustments to optimize settings for the Pro console, but this is not a major priority right now.
QUESTION: This update is great, but there’s still no public Lobby chat.
ANSWER: We initially removed Lobby voice chat due to technical issues with the on/off setting. We plan to resume work on this feature.
SP Campaign
QUESTION: Any plans for modifications to the map? Such as more enemy spawns, less ammo, or higher enemy health? What about a new difficulty setting?
ANSWER: We launched with one difficulty level and later added more. While additional difficulties are easier to implement, mission-specific modifiers are more complex. We are considering this, as such additions would significantly improve replayability.
QUESTION: Any chance of New Game+ for the campaign? Where players can keep money and unlocks, but the game gets harder?
ANSWER: Not a top priority, but we are exploring customizable difficulty options that allow players to make the game easier or harder, including restrictions on boss cards and other settings. This is in the design phase with no ETA yet.
QUESTION: Would you consider bringing back Wiz’s secret mission chain to the roguelike campaign?
ANSWER: No promises, but the full Wiz story is still present in the Standalone plotline of Hidden Vault.
QUESTION: Any plans for new factions or expanding Rockay City, like introducing Yakuzas or adding a countryside location?
ANSWER: We would love to add new enemy bosses (Italians, Yakuza, Triads, Cubans, Colombians), but for now, the priority is expanding levels and adding new enemy archetypes (e.g., Butcher, Minigunner, Special SWAT). Something new is coming in Update 15.
UI/UX & Progression
QUESTION: Will we get a chat wheel 2.0 with more lines? I’d love to apologize when I mess up stealth.
ANSWER: We are analyzing its usage and open to suggestions on what to add. Let’s discuss this before development.
You can tell us your ideas in the suggestion channels on the official Discord!
QUESTION: Will the progression system be expanded so we always have something to work toward?
ANSWER: We learned a lot from our current progression system, introduced in Update 8. While we don’t plan a major overhaul, we are working on small improvements and new content like boss cards and single-player assets.
QUESTION: Could Boss skins locked behind Campaign wins also be earned in Multiplayer? I gave up on the campaign because I can never win thanks to the cyborgs.
ANSWER: We are exploring ways to make this possible. Meanwhile, you can try eliminating Cagnali sooner or limiting police investigation to improve campaign difficulty.
Characters, Weapons & Perks
QUESTION: Will you tweak the dialogue? The characters sound flat.
ANSWER: Unfortunately, no. Existing dialogue recordings are final. Each character has over 2,500 lines, making re-recording impractical. However, we continue adding new VO for mission planners, guards, and SWAT lines.
QUESTION: Any updates on Nasara and Casey’s voice lines?
ANSWER: Yes, we should address this, but it’s lower on the priority list.
QUESTION: Will NPC-exclusive weapons like the Minigun ever be unlockable?
ANSWER: Unlikely for now, but variations of existing guns are more likely to be added.
QUESTION: Could we get more free Boss skins like Teresa and Vamp?
ANSWER: We can’t confirm anything but check the public ROADMAP—there may be hints!
QUESTION: Could players carry more than four bags?
ANSWER: Four is the max with the mule booster equipment and the Mule Booster perk in the ‘Jupiter Character Pack’ DLC.
Other areas
QUESTION: I wanted to ask if there are plans to add more diverse game modes like Rockay Rumble, which changes the main gameplay.
ANSWER: There are no plans for additional game modes in the near future. The focus is on improving existing content, especially multiplayer. However, some improvements and modifications may feel like new modes… We can’t say much more than that for now.
QUESTION: What about the Nasara Revenge DLC? Is it still planned? Maybe next year?
ANSWER: This DLC is not planned, as it was designed as a series of small linear missions in a detective/thriller style. IGS is focused on creating larger missions that can be played in both MP and SP. In Update 15, new missions will appear as both standalone MP missions and a new Urban Legend. These will also be added as plotlines in the SP campaign, along with the addition of Cold Strike. The concept of Nasara Revenge doesn’t fit into this approach.
QUESTION: Can we get an update to pick up bodies rather than placing them in suitcase-sized body bags? It would make the game much more immersive and higher quality!
ANSWER: Realistic corpse handling would be nice, but we don’t have it. Adding it is not a priority now. We have a long list of perks, abilities, equipment, and other gameplay improvements that seem more important.
QUESTION: Do AI companions not use their skills?
ANSWER: No, AI bots do not actively use their equipment. We experimented with this, but it caused more problems than it solved. In Crime Boss, AI bots only shoot, revive, and transport loot—which is already more than what is standard in the heisting genre. However, players can switch between characters and use AI equipment or skills manually.
QUESTION: In the Gold Cup heist, can all the trucks arrive?
ANSWER: If you are referring to the stealth version of Gold Cup, the truck arrival mechanics have already been changed. However, for loud gameplay, this is not the case.
QUESTION: Three requests: customizable weapon skins in the campaign, bring back the Italians, and let us play as Chuck in a police campaign flipping the script!
ANSWER: Unfortunately, there isn’t much good news regarding these requests:
- Italians won’t return unless we decide to introduce additional gangs, which is unlikely for now.
- Weapon skin customization is not planned for single-player.
- As for playing as Chuck Norris, that would be a cool idea! A Crime Boss: Ready or Not style game could be fun, but for now, we’re focusing on heisting. Maybe we should pitch it to 505 Games!
QUESTION: Any plans for armor? You die so easily! Also, any future outfit changes for characters, including henchmen?
ANSWER: If you have game balance suggestions, we recommend joining the official Crime Boss Discord and discussing them with other players and developers. We have dedicated sections for suggestions, and we actively incorporate ideas into the game. Any help is appreciated!