Crimes Against TACOS! The Cookbook

Citizens of Rockay City, the local taco restaurant is branching out. They are looking for recipes for their new Rockay City ‘Crimes Against Tacos’ Cookery book! They want some of the wildest and most criminal taco recipes from the community to feature!

Submit your taco recipes for the chance to win four Crime Boss: Rockay City Game keys AND your taco will also be recreated in real-life for the Crimes Against Tacos recipe book!

…And yes, ketchup is allowed! 👀

The taco restaurant have a tight deadline of the 15th of September, so please share your ideas via our @CrimeBossGame X (Twitter), our Reddit or via our Discord server using the hashtag #CrimesAgainstTacos or mentioning you are submitting a recipe idea as part of the Crimes Against Tacos Cookbook!

The ideas can be as wild as you want them to be, but only the edible ones stand a chance of winning the four Crime Boss: Rockay City game keys (platform of your choice) and the chance to have your taco created by the Rockay City’s finest Taco Master and added to the cookbook!


Salve gente!

È Rory McGory che vi parla, con le ultimissime notizie!



It is sale season in Rockay and everyone is going wild in the aisles at the shopping malls of Downtown Rockay City – all because of the 505 Games Publisher Sale!!

Everyone LOVES a bargain, so let’s find out what amazing deals are going on in the world of Crime Boss: Rockay City!

  • Epic Games Store offrirà uno sconto del 30% su Crime Boss: Rockay City a partire dal 7 settembre* fino al 21 settembre!
  • Fan dell'XBOX Series X|S, potrete ottenere il 30% di sconto su Crime Boss: Rockay City a partire dal 7 settembre* fino al 26 settembre!
  • I giocatori su PlayStation 5 potranno fare proprio Crime Boss: Rockay City con il 30% di sconto a partire dall'8 settembre* fino all'11 settembre!

(*Gli orari di inizio dell'offerta potrebbero variare)

Tra le altre notizie, l'ossigeno che galleggia all'aperto è a quanto pare di nuovo gratuito!

Crime boss Hielo, started charging civilians a cash toll whenever someone entered one of his territories. Apparently it wasn’t very popular among Hielo’s own people who couldn’t afford to breath inside their own turf.

That’s all for the news. Heck to the yeah!

Sheriff’s Investigation Photo Event

Sheriff Norris is always on the lookout for crime. He eats, breathes, drinks but not sleeps crime.

We all know the Sheriff never sleeps.

But he needs help! L.T is taking some well needed R&R and wants you to be Acting Deputy Sheriff.

He wants funny in-game screenshots, photos of your gaming set-ups playing Crime Boss: Rockay City, he wants Sheriff Norris cosplays (for some reason), he wants as many observations from Rockay City as possible, on photo format to stick on his BRAND-NEW corkboard!

Help the Sheriff out now!

All you have to do is submit your pictures via our @CrimeBossGame X (Twitter), our Reddit or via our Discord server using the hashtag #SheriffPics or mentioning you are submitting evidence as part of Sheriff Norris’s Investigation.

Each item of evidence will be placed on a real pin board and then placed on a real wall for real people to see – so the funnier the Crime Boss related images. THE BETTER!

But be quick about it – you only have until the 15th of September to send in your entries!

RockON Magazine – Rocking Your World Since… We Forget.

Welcome back loyal readers!

It’s been another whole month since you were last here! I know we missed you too!

In this edition we are helping support the Crime Boss: Rockay City FREE WEEKEND! I know, we’ve moved up in the world with a sponsorship deal! Not bad right!

So anyway, what we thought we would do is ask the people who know best about the game itself! The Community!

Us journos, we only know how to do two things – how to spell ‘available’ right the second time around and voicing our opinions! Yes, those pink floral pants look delightful on you…

SOOOOO, here we have it – our Tips and Tricks segment from the wise community people of  the Crime Boss: Rockay City Reddit!


Baker’s Battle is a rogue-lite campaign, so you are not expected to conquer Rockay City at your first (few) attempts. This is perfectly okay – you will still earn plenty of permanent perks that will make subsequent campaign runs more successful. (JohnBart)

Always take cover. Prepare to have nightmares about Michael Rooker’s kissing sounds. (ClearNPresentCowboy)

You can shoot armored truck cages to quickly open them up instead of meleeing them, this also applies to warehouse boxes. In case you need to start snatching things quick. (astralhunt)

Grand heists netting you the most money could be absolutely difficult at your first few runs, but don’t worry: as you gain additional perks and funds, so will they become easier over time. Again, it’s a roguelite game, and it’s okay to fail at your first few tries. (JohnBart)

First tip, you are going to die. And have to restart. Focus on leveling up your boss points. For career mode focus on Hielo first. Even if a territory a day, depending how aggressive you are. Turfs equal money. Invest that money in turf takeover or upgrading your weapons for your crew. (7600Squawk)

Don’t worry if you fail a story mission – most storylines have several branching and alternative paths which can lead to juicy rewards, even if you fail some of their missions at first. In addition, certain heisters (like Clutch or Wiz) can only be recruited if you take said alternative paths. (JohnBart)

General tip is always kill detectives like go out of your way to do so and also be nice to civis. (Coffeeandgreentea)

You can smack a cop around to make them surrender. Even do a few in a group if you’re quick enough. (DinosaurLion)

When playing stealthily, consider that every heist which features security cameras will have a security room located somewhere on the map. Make it a priority to find said room and disable the cameras, as doing so makes stealth a lot easier. (JohnBart)

Mark guards & even civilians at all times it will save you been seen on many occasions. (DiggyDoolans)

Cops guarding a place needs to be melee’d to get them to be intimidated, if you just intimidate them they’ll radio in and shoot you! (astralhunt)

During each run, make sure to fully upgrade a couple of heisters. This not only gives you strong teammates for more difficult jobs and grand heists, but you can also re-hire them in later campaign runs fully upgraded. Some heisters only require spending money on their promotions, while others (like Ranger and Jupiter) have their own story missions that you also need to complete. (JohnBart)

There are so many great suggestions shared, and you can find all of them LINKED RIGHT HERE!So please go and take a look!

Gioca a Crime Boss: Rockay City gratuitamente!

From the 7th to the 11th of September, it’s time get those trigger fingers at the ready.

Find the most ghastly outfit from the 90s – from of your parents wardrobe (or from your own) and call up your best friends on the burger phone (or modern day equivalent).

Because you and your buddies can now make your way down to Florida’s No. 1 tourist hotspot for all thing turf wars and criminality – the Crime Boss: Rockay City, Free Play Days is here! Yes, you in the pink neon jumpsuit – you are quite right, you can play Crime Boss: Rockay City for free from 7th to 11 September on Epic and Xbox Series X|S.

Take it solo in Baker Battle – the rogue-lite campaign where you take on the role of Travis Baker (Michael Madsen) – a man with his sights set on becoming the new King of Rockay City. Using strategy, cunning and a little fire power, you will carry out heists and take territory from rival gangs.

Oppure porta con te i tuoi amici ed entra nella modalità multigiocatore co-op PvE dove affronti emozionanti colpi e rapine con un massimo di quattro giocatori.

Puoi anche ottenere un 30% di sconto su Crime Boss: Rockay City per un periodo limitato, per continuare il tuo cammino per diventare il re di Rockay.


Crime Boss: Rockay City Free Weekend FAQ

Crime Boss: Rockay City will be available for free between September 7th and 11th.

Per ulteriori informazioni, consulta le domande frequenti qui sotto.

Ci vediamo a Rockay City!

D: Quando inizierà il weekend gratuito di Crime Boss: Rockay City?

"R: Il weekend gratuito inizierà su tutte le piattaforme il 7 settembre alle 18:00 CEST. (ricorda che l'orario d'inizio esatto è soggetto a modifiche e può variare a seconda del paese). "

D: Quando finirà il weekend gratuito di Crime Boss: Rockay City?

R: Il weekend gratuito terminerà su tutte le piattaforme l'11 settembre alle 21:00 CEST. (ricorda che l'orario d termine esatto è soggetto a modifiche e può variare a seconda del paese).

D: Per quali piattaforme è disponibile il weekend gratuito?

A: The Crime Boss: Rockay City Free Weekend applies to users on Epic Games Store and Xbox Series X/S.

D: Come accedo a Crime Boss: Rockay City durante il weekend gratuito?

A: PC users can access the Free Weekend through the Epic Games Store.

Gli utenti Xbox Series X|S possono accedere al weekend gratuito visitando la pagina del prodotto sull'Xbox Store. Per giocare online è necessario un abbonamento Xbox Live Gold.

D: Quali parti di Crime Boss: Rockay City potrò giocare durante il weekend gratuito?

R: Durante il weekend gratuito sarà disponibile il gioco completo.

D: Devo avere un abbonamento online per usufruire del weekend gratuito?

R: Per accedere al weekend gratuito è necessario l'abbonamento Xbox Live Gold

No subscription is required to access the Free Weekend on the Epic Games Store.

D: Cosa succede al termine del weekend gratuito?

R: Se vuoi continuare a giocare dopo la fine del weekend gratuito, puoi acquistare la versione completa del gioco con uno sconto del 30% (sconto disponibile per un periodo limitato di tempo) e conservare tutti i progressi fatti durante il weekend gratuito!


Thousands of $$$ of Cutting-Edge Hardware Found! Items Believed To Be Tied to Historical Heist! Rewards On Offer!

Rockay City, August 30th, 2023. 505 Games and the Rockay City Police Department are proud to report the seizure of gaming hardware worth thousands of dollars, after they were linked to money stolen in a high-profile heist 30 years ago.

The heist is thought to be the work of criminal mastermind Travis Baker. Known for his uncanny resemblance to actor Michael Madsen, Baker coordinated a series of heists throughout the 1990s. The money was thought to be gone for good, but a recent warehouse raid by the RCPD led to the seizure of a vast cache of gaming hardware and promotional merchandise. Forensic accountants suggest the value of the goods seized match perfectly with the total stolen in the infamous robbery*. Recovered items include:

  • 1 x Laptop from Intel (Razer Blade 16 Gaming Laptop)
  • 1 x Alienware AW2523HF Gaming Monitor ‘Dark Side of the Moon’
  • 1 x Combined package of:
    • Alienware 510H headset, Lunar Light,
    • 1 x Alienware 510K keyboard, Lunar Light,
    • 1 x Alienware 510M mouse, Dark Side of the Moon
  • 10 x Intel i7 CPUs
  • 10 x mophie snap+ juice packs
  • 10 x Majority Audio Bowfell Soundbars
  • 50 x Crime Boss on PS5
  • 50 x Crime Boss on Xbox
  • 30 x Crime Boss hat, T-Shirt and badge combo packs

The RCPD fears Baker will not take this loss lying down. Citizens are advised to follow 505’s social channels throughout September for further information. Rewards will be offered as an incentive.

In addition to the stash of gadgets, our detectives have been analysing this video and encourage all citizens in the strongest terms not to engage with, or honor the requests of this incredibly dangerous and volatile individual. Stay on the right side of the law, citizen!

Office of Sheriff C Norris (President of the Rockay Chamber of Kung-fu)

To be a part of the heist, please head to our HEIST HUNT WEBPAGE NOW and let the hunt begin!


Bosses of Rockay City. Update 3.0 is available on all platforms right blumming now!

There is a ton of stuff that’s been added to this update – new environments, improved stealth gameplay and randomized mission chains.

Date un'occhiata ad alcune delle aggiunte principali dell'aggiornamento:


  • Nuovi scenari e ambienti
    • Le missioni appaiono sia nella campagna che in Crime Time e forniscono un maggiore varietà di gioco e di ambienti.
  • Primi livelli di rispetto
    • Benzinaio

  • Livelli di rispetto successivi
    • Concessionario
    • Convoglio di furgoni

  • Furtività migliorata
    • Eliminazione da furtività potenziata
    • Percezione e reazioni dell'IA equilibrate
    • Nuovo bilanciamento dei silenziatori
  • Mischia le catene di missioni in Crime Time  
    • Una nuova modalità per partecipare alle missioni: Le catene di missioni casuali sono disponibili in tre livelli di difficoltà che conferiscono ricompense maggiori e punti rispetto, una volta completate
  • “New Blood” Urban Legend difficulty balance
    • Difficoltà regolata per la prima catena della leggenda urbana
  • Character missions’ persistency
    • The player’s progression through individual character missions is remembered through campaign runs, and a unique character dying in their character mission does not cause the plotline to reset – in the next campaign run, it resumes after the last successful character mission instead (or gives the maxed-out character if it was completed)
    • La trama si azzera solo se il personaggio muore durante l'avanzamento della storia, e non nella missione personaggio
  • Aggiunta dell'opzione di espulsione/silenziamento/analisi dei profili nelle missioni in modalità Multigiocatore
    • Dipende dalla piattaforma. L'espulsione è disponibile solo per gli host
  • La difesa della guerra territoriale è giocabile anche senza soldati
    • Touchdown può partecipare da solo alla missione di difesa
  • Modifiche all'economia della campagna

Per la lista completa delle note della patch, visitate la nostra pagina di supporto QUI!

C'è ancora molto in arrivo! Potete vedere un'anteprima del futuro di Rockay nel nostro articolo sugli aggiornamenti, che potete trovare QUI!

Keep on Rockin’ Rockay!


Message from the editor.

Welcome to the latest edition of RockON Magazine. Your monthly dose of information and nonsense all in the same webpage. People thought it wasn’t possible but we went out to prove them all wrong!

For those of you who are new readers, RockON Magazine is Rockay City’s number one, two and three top magazine – all about Rockay City.

Our writers are specially trained in various styles of journalism – from TV and film, radio, the written word (which you will mostly find here) and also interpretive swimming. Yeah, all the top journos are big into that one.

Anyway, you are in for a treat in this months magazine!

The latest 2.0 update from Crime Boss: Rockay City arrived. If you haven’t already updated, make sure you do! And also what’s this? Free Tactical Weapons Pack DLC? Hold your horses, there’s a new gun in town! Or four…

Let’s get ready to RockON, Rockay!

Gordy Loardy,

Editor in Chief, RockON Magazine

Set Your Sights on These!

Hello, I’m Fran Anne McGann

The new Tactical Weapon Pack has caused quite the stir among the community of crime bosses – as it is currently being given out FREE for a limited time.

The four pack of weapons include the Bohema, a cheeky little number, a personal favourite of mine and slips into my purse with ease. It is an automatic pistol, easy to sneak into any bank

The semi-automatic rifle Slate 36, now this one is perfect if you have BIG BIG goals and want to make it like that Travis Baker fellow, so yeah, if you want to take over Rockay City, this is for you!

The Fiver Tactical is quite a fabulous looking handgun. You can’t go wrong with this weapon in your arsenal.

If you are looking to settle a dispute, or get a free meal from chicken barbeque, become besties with the Urban Sweeper. This  shotgun will easily sort out your more difficult predicaments.

RockON and Roll?

Hey there, I’m Axel Rod Pseudonym. I have been working on a new song and would like to try out the lyrics on you. Feedback is essential, so no holding back. If this goes well, I will record this and bring my rock music career back from the dead – where it has laid slain for almost half a decade.. rotting, festering, erm… bubbling, waiting to relive once more.

Anywhoooo, please read my words.  I name this piece – We Will Defend. (sounds emo and pretentious enough I thought).

Verse One

In the city of Rockay, the streets ignite,

A blaze of passion, neon lights so bright.

The rhythm of the people, hearts pounding strong.

In this electric jungle where dreams belong


Rockay City, we’ll soar high,

Like a bullet fired across the sky.

A life force that never ends,

In Rockay City we will defend.

Verse Two

Through back alleys and bustling crowds,

The sound of fighting, is ever loud.

Every district, a story to tell,

It’s the way of life, where criminals dwell.

Chorus, guitar solo, then verse 3 etc etc… you get the point, but that’s my starting point. I will carry this on and then record it if people think it’s good enough. But I guess it’s up to you all.

Thanks in advance for your feedback. -Alex

The News with Rory McGory

Update 2.0 is live! Here are some of the main features in the 2.0 update.

  • Police intensity in missions redesign (HEAT)
  • Dropped weapons can be picked up in FPS missions
  • Improved aim assist for controllers
  • The overall difficulty of the Baker’s Battle has been reduced.
  • Il numero di borsoni nelle missioni è ora proporzionale alla difficoltà e al numero di giocatori coinvolti..
  • I personaggi in Crime Time ora guadagnano esperienza quando vengono inviati in missione, diventando col tempo idonei alla promozione. La promozione conferisce loro statistiche migliori e nuovi vantaggi.
  • E' stato aggiunto un tipo di missione evento chiamato Piazza la bomba. Quando viene completata con successo, il giocatore neutralizzerà il territorio nemico.
  • È stato aggiunto al gioco una nuova divertente ambientazione, Autorimessa.

There is much much more that has gone into the update. For the full list of patch notes, please visit our support page HERE!

C'è ancora molto in arrivo! Potete vedere un'anteprima del futuro di Rockay nel nostro articolo sugli aggiornamenti, che potete trovare QUI!

Watch all of your favourite RCTV shows over on our TikTok channel: CrimeBossGame.

Watch interviews with the stars, gameplay footage, real life at the Rockay City Police Department (rated 1 star on ClipAdvisor) and much much more!

Want to know more about Crime Boss: Rockay City? Follow our social channels!

TIKTOK: CrimeBossGame

TWITTER: CrimeBossGame

REDDIT: CrimeBossGame

DISCORD: CrimeBoss

PODCAST: Rockay City Talk Radio

PACCHETTO ARMI GRATUITO! Per un periodo limitato! *Pugno contro pugno*

Meravigliosi cittadini di Rockay, poiché siete un così favoloso gruppo di boss del crimine, stiamo regalando il primo pacchetto armi a pagamento GRATUITAMENTE, per un periodo limitato. first paid Tactical Weapon Pack for FREE for a LIMITED TIME.

Il pacchetto include una variegata selezione di tipologie di armi e sarà disponibile in entrambe le modalità Battaglia di Baker e Crime Time.

  • Slate 36: fucile semiautomatico perfetto per conquistare Rockay
  • Fiver Tactical: una bellissima pistola di fiducia per l'arsenale di qualsiasi criminale
  • Bohema: una pistola automatica, facile da intrufolare in qualsiasi banca
  • Urban Sweeper: fucile che risolverà facilmente ogni tipo di disputa stradale in favore del detentore

Questo è per ringraziarvi di essere una meravigliosa community e di supportarci nel bene, nel male e nel futuro!

Remember it’s only free for a limited time – so get going boss!

Thanks again for being the boss, buddies – enjoy the pew pews!



Cittadini di Rockay. E' disponibile un nuovo aggiornamento per Crime Boss: Rockay City.

In questo aggiornamento ci sono tantissime novità e qui vi raccontiamo le aggiunte più interessanti e importanti .  

Date un'occhiata ad alcune di queste bombe!

  • Bilanciamento dell'intensità della polizia nelle missioni (ATTENZIONE) - Nella modalità Campagna, l'ATTENZIONE ora cambia in base a ciò che i giocatori faranno nelle missioni. Per esempio, uno stile di gioco aggressivo scatenerà una reazione aggressiva da parte delle forze dell'ordine.


  • Le statistiche del Rispetto nella modalità Crime Time - Le statistiche del Rispetto aumentano con le missioni completate e si riducono con le missioni fallite. Il rispetto influenzerà le missioni disponibili, le armi, il grado dei personaggi generici, le ricompense delle missioni e l'ATTENZIONE. Quando si raggiunge il livello di Rispetto "Associato" (il secondo di sei livelli), le missioni importanti Treno di soldi, Import Export, Il caveau nascosto e Cani dragone possono apparire sulla mappa come missioni normali, invece che essere disponibili solamente come contratti. L'ATTENZIONE si basa sul rispetto. Un Rispetto maggiore attira maggiore ATTENZIONE: perciò, sebbene il gioco offrirà ai giocatori più missioni e opportunità, sarà più difficile completarle.


  • È possibile raccogliere le armi cadute nelle missioni FPS - Ora i tuoi compagni di squadra si terranno le proprie armi originali dopo che avrai completato la missione. Qualsiasi arma raccolta da terra causerà danni ridotti.


  • Mira assistita migliorata per i controller - La sensibilità della mira ora rallenta quando si mira vicino a un bersaglio e la mira assistita ora aiuta a seguire un bersaglio.


  • The overall difficulty of the Baker’s Battle has been reduced.


  • Il numero di borsoni nelle missioni è ora proporzionale alla difficoltà e al numero di giocatori coinvolti..


  • I personaggi in Crime Time ora guadagnano esperienza quando vengono inviati in missione, diventando col tempo idonei alla promozione. La promozione conferisce loro statistiche migliori e nuovi vantaggi.


  • E' stato aggiunto un tipo di missione evento chiamato Piazza la bomba. Quando viene completata con successo, il giocatore neutralizzerà il territorio nemico.


  • È stato aggiunto al gioco una nuova divertente ambientazione, Autorimessa.


Ovviamente c'è molto altro all'interno dell'aggiornamento.Per la lista completa delle note della patch, visitate la nostra pagina di supporto QUI!

C'è ancora molto in arrivo! Potete vedere un'anteprima del futuro di Rockay nel nostro articolo sugli aggiornamenti, che potete trovare QUI!

Keep on Rockin’ Rockay!