Update 14 adds crossplay, AI improvements and a new Rockay Rumble map!
Watch the Update 14 trailer here!
- This update introduces CROSSPLAY between all platforms. You can customize this feature in the settings.
- Revamped AI BOT functionality with a focus on bug fixes and more logical behavior.
- ROCKAY RUMBLE gets a new layout in honor of the New Lunar Year. Enjoy the new map and higher difficulty.
- Earning respect in the campaign is now better visualized and rewarded with BOSS POINTS during your campaign run.
- Finishing the CAMPAIGN will be rewarded with money in CO-OP PLAY. For both successful and unsuccessful runs.
- Network status indicator added in missions in Multiplayer.
- Added a new Rockay Rumble variant celebrating the New Lunar Year.
- In Gold Cup, players can now deliver all the loot into the 3rd truck while playing the mission in stealth.
- Inverted order of weapon scrolling.
- Added option to choose the weapon scrolling order.
- Added a few new mission bonus objectives.
- Team composition bonus objective in the campaign.
- Kill at least X enemies/gangsters bonus objective (where appropriate).
- Enabled all six eligible mission variants for the Armored Convoy mission in the Hauling Ash urban legend, instead of the previous count of one.
- The Progression screen now groups melee weapons into categories.
- The Progression screen now displays all tiers of a perk together.
- Bot improvements
- Significantly improved behaviour of bots. They should care about surviving more.
- Bots have improved perception of nearby enemies.
- Bot behavior in stealth should improve while following the player.
- Improved ability to automatically deliver loot to designated areas.
- Increased weapon ranges for Shielder, Shock Trooper and Heavy.
- Ranger now has the “Gun Nut” perk instead of “Ghost”.
- Weapon updates
- Desert Eagle is slightly stronger.
- Urban Striker damage was increased by +5%.
- Tweaked reload speeds – Tactical reload (reload with ammo remaining) is faster than empty ammo reload, especially for SMGs.
- Perks and equipment
- Sturdy perk lvl. 2 and 3 have a slightly bigger bonus now (increased by +2% / +4%).
- The Medic perk has a greater bonus when the owner is being revived.
- Changed the description of the Vigor (health regeneration) perk to clarify its effect.
- Campaign
- Earning respect in the campaign is now more prominently displayed and awards boss points.
- Respect tiers have been renamed as part of this change.
- Earning respect now refreshes the black market, characters and soldiers for hire, and the available money-making missions.
- Finishing campaign runs (both succeeding and failing) will now award money in Multiplayer.
- The end sequence has been reordered as part of this change.
- Baker will now start the campaign equipped with “Baker’s Bearslayer” secondary weapon for the owners of the Baker’s Bundle DLC.
- Escaping the Sheriff after maxing out the investigation yields a slightly higher score and rewards than dying in the mission.
- The campaign’s hire soldiers screen will now accurately display the maximum number of soldiers you can hire during the day, not only those you can currently afford.
- Increased the reward from the King’s Crypt Gold Cup mission.
- Campaign final grade now slightly improves with difficulty.
- Overhauled the random event offering new characters for hire to make it more viable. The option is now cheaper, the characters are displayed in the preview and may come at a higher level or with better weapons than usual.
- Added an opening choice cutscene to the Strong Arm Dollar Dragon for Money.
- The planning cost of “weaken gang” missions has been lowered overall.
- The planning cost of a “weaken gang” mission that results in the capture of multiple turfs is higher than in the case of capturing only one. Its difficulty as well.
- Turf war reward weapons may now also be rare (blue).
- Improved the “Plus One” boss bonus description to give a better idea about its progression.
- The Stash tutorial now appears when visiting the Stash screen for the first time, not when running low on funds.
- Enemies and civilians should no longer trigger alarm or suspicion based on a throwable being used. This sometimes manifested as enemies (or civilians) seeing ziptied or deceased enemies through walls or in other unexpected places.
- Fixed various instances when the displayed “Expected value” of missions wasn’t accurate and the actual earnings fell outside that range.
- The “Pay with luxuries” option of buying trucks in the Gold Cup plotline now properly subtracts luxuries, not cash.
- Prevented some cases in which a new big heist plotline would not start for several days after wrapping up the last one.
- Fixed various issues with truce.
- Attacking, but failing still ends the truce.
- Breaking a truce with someone breaks the truce with everybody.
- Fixed a case when “Dismiss character” would fire the first person from the list instead of the selected character.
- Gang “Hostile” relationship takes precedence over “Unfriendly”.
- Roidiac Jupiter and Jupiter shouldn’t be encountered in the Team at the same time anymore.
- Character names should no longer be displayed in cutscenes when they don’t say anything.
- Prevented several instances of overlapping popups in the campaign.
- The “Disrupt Khan’s activity” mission incorrectly mentioned vehicles.
- The Gold Cup plotline and “Strong Arm Dollar Dragon for Money” are now mutually exclusive because one rewards the player with a truce, and the other requires no truce. That caused issues when both were started simultaneously.
- Hiring army is now enabled in the Dragon Dogs standalone plotline.
- Items recently unlocked via the progression magazines now correctly appear in the campaign’s blackmarket.
- The “First Day” goal in the campaign’s first run now ends immediately on Day 2 (not after seeing all pending tutorials).
- Special loot notifications (i.e. artifacts and paintings in Dragon Dogs) are now correctly aggregated to avoid a flood of notifications after certain missions.
- The day summary board should now be visible during players’ first campaign run.
- Fixed a few cases of overlapping tutorial popups with other elements.
- Weapon skin generation setting in the campaign – if disabled – should now correctly prevent skins from being applied to new turf war reward weapons and the loadout of generic characters for hire.
- Clients were sometimes unable to deposit pocket loot into the van in specific cases.
- Fixed multiple issues with subdue not working as intended.
- Rare case where player icons appeared corrupted for some clients in 4-player Co-op games.
- Money Train – Loot bags incorrectly replicated for clients after joining in progress.
- Bots could get stuck inside armored vans while looting.
- SPX Grenade – Wrong crosshair displayed after reloading until switching weapons or fire mode.
- Micro SMG Gal and STGW 51 incorrectly shared the same ammo pool.
- Urban Legends – Invite button incorrectly available during active gameplay.
- Steam Deck – Touching non-interactive areas could cause loss of input focus.
- Subduing a guard behind another guard could break the subdue action.
- Minigunners sometimes stopped reacting in the final Khan turf war.
- Main Menu – Incorrect background loaded first on fresh saves if DLC was enabled.
- Zipline – Pressing ‘E’ mid-ride caused animation issues.
- Clients did not see the distraction magazine effect above guards/police heads.
- Shields did not display hitmarks when shot with penetrating weapons.
- Several typos.
- Bank Money Maker – Chopper Bags – If you switched characters, the mission ended.
- Fixed various crashes