From ground zero against the VC to dodging tackles on the gridiron, this Halfback should have been a Hall-of-Famer. But a backstabbing team-owner forced him out of the league, sending Troy Dalton from the stadium to the streets. Now - alongside his lifelong pal, Travis Baker, Touchdown has a chance to run all his plays on one blood-soaked battlefield - Rockay City, baby! Whoo!



For the man only known as Nasara, the last month has been a blur - literally. Waking up on a beach with a knife in his back, and no memory of how he got there, would meaning 'Victory' - for a reason. And with the right backing, he'll see to it that all those responsible for his tribulations - are driven before him and crushed…



Eduardo Reyes has the scars to prove that serving as right-hand to the Crime King of Rockay - ain't easy. Years of perfect service put him in the beautiful position to enjoy life after 'the life' - one of few to secure a peaceful exit. But a world-shattering event pulls Dollar Dragon back down to the underbelly of Rockay - and this time around, he plans on taking the throne for himself - or breathing-fire and torching the whole damn castle trying…



A badass charmer from the wrong side of the tracks, this cowboy galloped into town - slangin' party-pills into the rave scene. Then BOOM! - the reigning Crime Boss gets blown to bits - now here comes Baker's shot to switch his nickname from Candyman to The King. Teaming up with 4 of the underworld's finest - while hiring a crime-army to grab turf and pull jobs, Baker plans on taking Rockay City by STORM.



A real-deal woman, super connected and whip-smart. A mover and shaker in every sense. She knows all the heavy-weights in town worth knowing, and that makes playing with Casey a high-value proposition. Mysterious about her past, but she'll get you in where it counts.



A legendary ass-kicking lawman who rides the dusty trail, beating back crime wherever it festers. Armed with his own brand of wisdom and justice - Sheriff Colt Norris is a deadeye when he gets you in his sights. You might say Sheriff Norris is on a mission from God. But you'd be wrong - because God is probably on a mission from Sheriff Norris.



Henry Hubbard is a hustler, from slinging actual ice in the scorching hills of his hometown - to pushing pills into the grills of the hottest party goers around. The way Hielo hustles and parties will school you - but don't let his joyful 'tude fool you. The way he sees life; the past is history, the future's a mystery, and the present - is a gift.



R.W. Stewart always had a rough relationship with the law. Trying to fix it from the inside, he became an cop. But shooting-straight can make you bent, and after some tough years - he was charged with a crime he didn't commit. Dismissed and disgraced, Gloves ditched his pursuit of peace, and now uses his connections and inside-info to assist those who walk the shady side of Rockay. When you put Gloves on - your hands stay clean.

Neue Abenteuer warten auf dich, Kumpel!

"Nachdem der letzte Verbrecherboss gestorben ist, kann sie jetzt von dir erobert werden! Willkommen in Rockay City, Florida - eine Stadt voller schräger Vögel, 90er Gangster-Popkultur und den kitschigsten Dialogen seit VHS. Erlebe die Geschichte von Travis Baker in der rogue-lite Singleplayer-Kampagne. Verdiene Geld in Raubüberfällen, leite ein Team von Verbrechern und erobere die Territorien anderer Gangs, um die Unterwelt von Rockay City zu regieren. Jede strategische Entscheidung hat auch ihre Konsequenzen - aber eine Niederlage bedeutet nicht, dass es endgültig vorbei ist. Schalte permanente Buffkarten frei, welche dich beim nächsten Durchlauf deinem Ziel näherbringen. Kann dein Verbrecherimperium die Stadt übernehmen, bevor dir Sheriff Norris in die Parade fährt?"

Image of Travis Barker staring intently
Photo of the Sheriff taped to the wall.

Raub, stehle und plündere alles!

"Werde zur berüchtigten Verbrecherlegende in diesem mitreißenden und hemmungslosen First-Person-Shooter. Nutze eine große Auswahl an Waffen und Ausrüstung, um Polizei und feindliche Gangs in die Schranken zu weisen, während du dich mit der Beute davonmachst. Lass deine Kanonen sprechen oder bleibe unentdeckt durch Stealth-Gameplay in zufälligen Raubüberfällen. Stelle deine Truppe zusammen und raub Banken aus, überfalle Läden und gepanzerte Wagen und vieles mehr! Das Spiel hält zahlreiche große und mittlere Raubüberfälle, Schnellaufträge sowie eine Vielzahl von Revierkriegen bereit. Wähle zwischen drei Schwierigkeitsgraden, um das Erlebnis deinem Können anzupassen."


Polaroid of a bag full of hard drives.

Sei der Boss, ob allein oder mit deinen Freunden.

"Kreiere und verändere deinen Boss und werde zur Verbrecherlegende! Spiele offline mit der Hilfe von Bots oder bilde ein Team mit deinen Freunden im 4-Spieler-PVE-Co-op-Multiplayer. Verdiene Geld und Erfahrung in Einzelspielmissionen, im Suffle-Modus oder in den Mini-Kampagnen in Großstadtlegenden. Stell dir deine verlässliche Truppe im Quickplay Matchmaking, Session Browser, oder einfach aus deinen Freunden zusammen. Schalte Waffen, Ausrüstung, Skins und Teammitglieder mit Hilfe von Erfahrung aus den Singleplayer- und Multiplayer-Modi frei. Bilde eine Crew mit deinen Freunden und erklimme die Spitze!"

Polaroid of a bag full of hard drives.


CRIME BOSS: ROCKAY CITY IS COMING TO STEAM 505 Games and InGame Studios are thrilled to announce […]

  🌴Update 7.9 has landed! 📈Introducing some rebalancing of Armored truck missions, weapon costs in […]

Crime Boss: Rockay City (Epic Games Store, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S) Version Number: […]

Wonderful citizens of Rockay. Take a look at our latest weapon pack -the Heavy Hitters […]

Crime Boss: Rockay City (Epic Games Store, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S) Version Number: […]

Crime Boss: Rockay City (Epic Games Store, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S) Version Number: […]

Scheme, steal, and sneak away with the notorious Dollar Dragon! Travis Baker (played by Michael […]

Citizens of Rockay City, the local taco restaurant is branching out. They are looking for […]

Why hello folks! Rory McGory here with the latest breaking news! 30% OFF CRIME BOSS: […]

Sheriff Norris is always on the lookout for crime. He eats, breathes, drinks but not […]

Welcome back loyal readers! It’s been another whole month since you were last here! I […]

From the 7th to the 11th of September, it’s time get those trigger fingers at […]

Thousands of $$$ of Cutting-Edge Hardware Found! Items Believed To Be Tied to Historical Heist! […]

Bosses of Rockay City. Update 3.0 is available on all platforms right blumming now! There […]

Message from the editor. Welcome to the latest edition of RockON Magazine. Your monthly dose […]

Wonderful citizens of Rockay. For being such a fabulous bunch of crime bosses, we are […]

Citizens of Rockay. A new update for Crime boss: Rockay City is now available. There […]

We hope you are enjoying your stay in Rockay City! The team at INGAME STUDIOS […]

Welcome console players of Rockay City! Here is a helpful FAQ guide to get you […]

Check it out now, you console brothers! Right about now, you console brothers! Get Crime […]

BECOME A CRIME BOSS TODAY! Now PS5 and Xbox Series X|S players can take on […]

This issue of RockON Magazine is sponsored by Summer Drops – the refreshing fruit beverage, […]

PLUS – The Roadmap You’ve All Been Waiting For! Citizens of Rockay! The digital version […]

Patch Number (2023 May 9) Citizens of Rockay City, we are pleased to share […]

Welcome everyone to the latest edition of RockON Magazine! Well, wasn’t that a wild ride! […]

Welcome citizens of Rockay City. Here is a helpful FAQ guide to get you around […]

Neon lights, city heights and nostalgic fights. Crime Boss: Rockay City is out now on […]

This is a very special edition of RockON Magazine, no Madonna didn’t guest write an […]

Crime Boss Rockay's Road map